
‘Everlasting Treasure’ came about because of Rachael’s belief that where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Every one treasures something dearly, and financial advisory is like a magnifying glass that makes clear what people treasure most at different times in their lives.

In Rachael’s journey of being a financial advisor since 2017, she realized that 95% of the portfolios she was entrusted to review were:
  • not aligned with what people treasure
  • not of great value

The reasons became clearer to her over time – options and holistic advice weren’t a norm for working professionals and mid-management who needed to balance time, mindshare and growth in personal, family and career development. As a result, their time and money weren’t going to the places that matter the most to them.

It naturally started with the very first portfolio Rachael reviewed — her family’s. They had products from a few places, but no clarity given on how they came together. There was also no clarity provided on the long-term financial needs of her special-needs brother, what that would mean for their parents’ career and retirement planning, or how to get better value for what they paid. The products and their lives didn’t quite match up.

It was in this huge lack that Rachael began wondering..

   “How can I give perspectives and clarity so that people can make informed decisions that would impact their present and future?”

  “How can advisory be more holistic?”

And after years of optimising portfolios..

  “How can I help people cut through the wealth of information and platforms out there?”

   “How can I ensure clients’ portfolios are constantly aligned to their life not just now but throughout life?”

This is what birthed this website — in hopes that more realise that true financial advisory gives you clarity and confidence to better manage your finances and life instead of letting them manage you.

Rachael is an Executive Financial Consultant with EXO advisory group, the top team at finexis advisory, one of Singapore’s largest independently-owned financial advisory firms.


  • Estate & Succession Practitioner
  • MDRT 2019 – 2021, 2023 – 2024
  • Elite Gold 2018, 2019, 2022

let’s connect

* Rachael would like to thank your family/friend, as she works exclusively by word-of-mouth
You can reach me through *